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The skiers and riders will be allowed to inspect and walk the track prior to race time at the discretion of SAS committee . Riders will be allowed to ride or walk their horses down the track once prior to the start of their class or division if conditions allow.
If the track is deemed unsafe at any time during the race, the race shall be suspended or declared finished for the day. The race shall recommence where it left off as soon as track conditions return to a safe standard. Should a competitor wish to voice concerns over the track conditions they may do so with SAS committee in a professional manner.
There will be a veterinarian on site with the authority to disqualify an animal for medical reasons. The veterinarian shall check in with the organizer prior to the race and be present for the competitors’ meeting. Any member of the organizing committee can require a horse to be examined by the veterinarian prior to racing.
Excessive alcohol consumption or use of drugs that may impair/enhance a rider or skier’s performance or cause a safety hazard to themselves or others is prohibited. SAS have the final say in related matters and may disqualify competitors if they are deemed under the influence during the event to the degree that safety becomes a factor and/or judgment is impaired.
Sportsmanship is critical to the success of the event. Upon entry, competitors agree to the humane treatment of their horse(s) and respectful conduct to all fellow competitors, volunteers, race officials, organizers, and spectators during the competition as well as before and after, for example, at race related events or online. Failure to comply with this sportsmanship statute may result in the disqualification of your team without reimbursement.
Open teams are considered to be the highest skilled skiers with the fastest horses. Open riders may compete in other divisions with a different horse. Open skier may not compete in Sport or Novice divisions. A team consists of horse, rider and skier.
Sport teams are the next level of competitors. A Sport team may not have the horse power and or experience of an Open team yet is still a highly competitive division and requires much skill. A Sport rider may compete in another division with a different horse. Sport skiers may not compete in Open or Novice divisions. A team consists of horse, rider and skier.
Novice teams are teams that are new to the sport, or are not reasonably competitive enough to compete in the Sport or Open Classes. A Novice rider can compete in other divisions on a different horse. Novice skiers may not compete in Open or Sport divisions. A team consists of a horse, rider, and skier.
Snowboard Open teams are a team consisting of a horse, rider, and a boarder. This division is considered to be the highest skilled boarders with the fastest horses. The track will be set accordingly. Horse, rider, and boarder may compete in any other division excluding Board Light as long as one of the three of the said team has changed. A team consists of a horse, rider, and a boarder.
Board Lite teams are teams new to the snowboard division or are not reasonably competitive enough to compete in the Snowboard Open Division. A horse in any other division may have a third run in this division not including a third run in Board Lite. Horse, rider, and boarder may compete in other divisions excluding Snowboard Open. A team consists of a horse, rider and a boarder.
COMPETITION RULES (Apply to all divisions)
All skiers must wear approved snow sport helmets. Eye protection is highly recommended.
A horse can compete in only one division within Open, Sport, and Novice with the exception of Board Lite. A horse can run a maximum of two times in a day unless a rerun is approved or the third run is in Board Lite. A rider may compete in more than one division, but must compete on a different horse in each division entered excluding Snowboard division. A skier can compete in only one division unless competing in the Snowboard Open or Board Lite division. A skier/boarder may compete up to four times in a day in the Open, Sport, and Snowboard divisions. Novice skiers and Board Lite Boarders can compete up to 2 times a day.
Open, Sport, and Snowboard Open division shall be a single match. (horse/rider can match with up to 2 different skiers/boarders, skiers/boarders can match with up to 4 different horse/rider combos). Novice will be a match and draw. Novice horse, riders, and skiers can match once and will be entered in the draw within the division. Board Lite will be a single match. Board Lite horse, rider, and boarder can match 2 times in this division with a different combination of horse/rider/boarder.
. The draw will be done and posted no later than 8 AM Saturday morning preceding the start of the race weekend. The draw will be a set team for the entire weekend and will be eligible for overall monies and prizes. Competitors will NOT be allowed to enter as a match only without being added to the draw in these 3 divisions.
Substitutions: No substitutions are allowed for any team member (horse, skier or rider) once Saturday competition has begun. If any team member cannot compete for any reason, the team will be disqualified. No refunds will be given unless extenuating circumstances exist.
Staging between runs: Each team is allowed four minutes to complete staging and begin their race. It is up to the discretion of the Start Official and Race Committee to allow 1more staging attempts later in that division. If this is unsuccessful that team will be disqualified from that day’s competition. The allotted four-minute time period will begin with the declaration of a clear track. Horses shall not be allowed “a running start” from outside the designated staging area, as this may present an unfair advantage and is also unsafe for start officials, volunteers and skiers.
Finishing the Race: the skier must finish in an upright or crouched position on at least one ski, be in control with the rope in hand and have no more than two points of their body touching the ground when crossing the finish line. A hand may touch down briefly, but not be weight bearing. Both skier boots must cross the finish line. One can be elevated.
Gates: Both ski tips and both boots must go around a gate, or the gate is considered missed.
If the skier drops the rope before crossing the start line, he/she will be allowed a restart immediately or the team may be rolled to give the horse a chance to rest between runs.
A five (5) second penalty is assessed for each missed jump, a five (5) second penalty for each gate and a two (2) second penalty for each ring if rings are added as well as for a dropped baton.
The on-site veterinarian will have the authority to scratch a horse for health reasons or concerns pertaining to the safety of the horse and the image of the sport. Any member of the local Race Committee can require a horse to be examined by the veterinarian prior to racing.
SAS and officials have the authority to disqualify horses at the start that pose a danger to the volunteer staff or to the rider or skier especially at the start or staging area. Riders shall warm up their horses in designated areas ONLY and away from spectators for the safety of other riders and all racing staff. After a run, riders should return to the start area or designated horse areas.
Protective leg-wear: It is highly recommended that horses be outfitted with bell and splint boots, or similar, on each leg (4).
EMT services will be on site. Service, if needed, will be charged to the benefactor.
A veterinarian will be on site. Service, if needed, will be charged to the benefactor.
1. If a team member has a dispute regarding the scoring of their run, that dispute must be brought to the attention of the Arena Boss who will be at the finish line (not the announcers or volunteers) immediately following their run. All contestants must inquire about the scoring/time of their run prior to leaving the finish line area. The decision made by the Arena Boss is final, and all involved are asked to accept that decision in the spirit of friendly competition. Any unsportsmanlike conduct may result in elimination from the remainder of the competition weekend.
Ropes are to be 50’ in length for. SAS house ropes will be provided by committee. Personal ropes may be used ONLY if they have been inspected by the start track manager. An inspected rope will obtain the correct marking showing that it has been inspected.
Attachment is to the saddle horn or cantle area. If the attachment is behind the saddle, it must be secured to the primary rigging rings of the saddle via a narrow diameter, non-elastic rope, so that pulling rope is within an approximate six inches of the cantle, carabineer included. Prior to the race the start track manager or his designee must approve any attachment to the saddle or saddle horn.
The start area shall be designated and guarded to prevent spectators and/or unauthorized personnel from accessing the area.
Adequate fencing shall be provided to keep spectators in designated areas and safe. NO DOGS OR DRONES ALLOWED under any circumstances for the safety of all involved.
Media shall abide by SAS race organizers safety rules and directives. If these are breached, that person may be asked to leave the premises. Media requires credentials which must be visible at all times and individuals must sign a waiver.
Good sportsmanship is important to the success of our event and the image of the community. Your registration signature pledges your word to the humane treatment of your horse and respectful relationships to all fellow competitors, race organizers, judges, staff, spectators and volunteers involved in the competition. Any competitor, spectator, or staff member that show any misconduct in any way will be asked to leave the venue.
Race results will be announced and posted, and prize money and awards distributed at a said locations at a designated time. Competitors must fill out 1099s during the registration process. The number of placements, payouts and distribution of added money will be determined and posted prior to registration.
Fees: Snowboard Open/$150 a run for each match.
Snowboard Lite/$75 a run for each match.
Open/$200 a run for each match.
Sport/$100 a run for each match.
Novice/$100 for two runs (match and draw)